Cicomortar® FC

CATEGORY: Concrete Repair & Protection

Quality Guaranteed

Cicomortar®FC is three-part, non-sag, epoxy resin basedfairing coat. It is designed to be highly resistant to the most knownindustrial chemicals, and to provide fast and permanent repairs todeteriorating concrete surfaces.

Cicomortar®FC is applicable to be used for thin layers from 0.5 mm up to 4 mmthick layer in one go. It could be spread by steel trowels.

Cicomortar®FCobtains non-porous smooth surface finish.


Concrete surface fairing.

Concrete and ductile pipe fine liningand repair.

Fixing slip and anti-corrosion bricksto concrete.

Fine repairs of concrete structuralsections.

Cracks and honey combs filling.


§  Solventfree.

§  Highcompressive strength.

§  Abrasionand chemical resistant.

§  Multipurpose.

§ Non sag,non-porous and non shrinkage.

§  Longpot life.

§  Verysticky; wide thickness applications.

§  Highmechanical characteristics.